Atheism – A Religion: Understanding Brings Knowledge

Are we in trouble?  We didn't do it!!!
Are we in trouble? We didn’t do it!!!

Public Service Announcement:  I cannot find where I originally posted this article.  So I edited the article, and am re-posting here.  Please note, I respect people’s choices to believe as they will, provided their beliefs do not interfere with the liberty of someone else to worship as they please.  The same day I originally wrote this article, the following fictional analogy came across my feed, and I include it here as a point of interest.

In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: ‘Do you believe in life after delivery?’
The other replied, ‘Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.’
‘Nonsense,’ said the first. ‘There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?’
The second said, ‘I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.’
The first replied, ‘That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.’
The second insisted, ‘Well, I think there is something, and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.’
The first replied, ‘Nonsense. And moreover, if there is life, why has no one ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery, there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.’
‘Well, I don’t know,’ said the second, ‘but certainly we will meet Mother, and she will take care of us.’
The first replied, ‘Mother? Do you actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists, then where is She now?’
The second said, ‘She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her, this world would not and could not exist.’
Said the first: ‘Well, I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.’
To which the second replied, ‘Sometimes, when you’re in silence, and you focus, and you really listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.’” (Pablo Molinero).

Detective 3Recently, Atheist Republic posted a question on LinkedIn that was intriguing and promoting a multi-week discussion.  As I seemed to have kicked over an anthill, I figured I would expound on the principles discussed to more fully detail why atheism is just another religion.  Agree or disagree as you choose; however, all I ask is your consideration of the ideas discussed.  Through the use of language and the accepted definitions from reputable sources, I posit that atheists and theists are closer together than they are apart.  Atheists have taken for their religion the only belief that separates, a cognitive refusal to believe in god, God, or gods, as supreme authorities in the cosmos.  Other items that can be considered religions include daily routines.  When taken too far, consumerism becomes a religion to those thus engaged, as do sports, debt, and any other belief that creates enthusiasm in the individual.  Many theists will find significant support among atheists regarding these different beliefs.

Religious ThoughtAtheists do not have a belief structure in god, God, and gods.  An absolute insistence that there are no supreme beings is a belief structure and an organized belief system.  Consider for a moment that a particular religion believes that a gigantic beet runs the universe; the atheist would automatically reject this for lack of evidence.  Star Trek: Next Generation had “Q,” a potent being in the galaxy; again, a supreme power the atheist will reject out of hand.  I met an atheist and a theist who both insisted that their belief systems allowed them to be rude, crude, disrespectful, and so forth as a method of worshiping and acting — proving, to me, that individual belief is stronger than training and the traditions of their parents, communities, and society.  Two more miserable people I have never found an equal; yet, together, these two people found and lived after their manner and understanding of happiness.

As an organized belief structure, and in the most exact definition of the word, atheism is a religion.  Every person spouting non-belief is a belief structure.  In describing their beliefs to others, which begins with, “I believe…”  More to the point, Webster, the accepted repository for words, has religion defined as “a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.”  It is of supreme importance to atheists to not believe anything; thus, we can only conclude that atheism is a religion.

President AdamsI have found that atheists have a specific personal belief structure regarding god, God, or gods that then is projected onto others.  While many times the atheists are not finding their expected belief structure reflected, the atheist becomes hostile to all others they come in contact with and attempt to change other people’s beliefs through legal or other force mechanisms.  Individual belief, even if not shared, can be considered a religion to that person; hence, Webster’s definition is very accurate and applicable to this discussion.  Regardless of the belief in god, God, or gods, there are other beliefs of supreme importance to the atheist that makes up their religion.  The Cambridge Unabridged Dictionary carries a similar definition, “an activity that someone is extremely enthusiastic about and regularly does.”

Religion QuoteHenry Chester is quoted as saying, enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world; it beats money, power, and influence; it is nothing more than faith in action.  Not believing in, or following, a god, God, or gods is of supreme importance to atheists. Other beliefs are based upon the personal theology and behavior, dogma, mantra, etc., of the person. Thus, those beliefs range from abortion through environmental activities and feelings to the power of food, science, and so much more. Without a core written tenet, the only belief that is universally accepted as distinguishing atheists from theists is the belief in god, God, or gods.

According to Webster and Cambridge, religion carries the following definitions and related words. “ideas about the relationship between science and religion.”  Synonymous with: faith, belief, divinity, worship, creed, teaching,  doctrine, theology, sect, cult, religious group, faith community, church, denomination, body, following, persuasion, affiliation.  “A particular system of faith and worship.”  Synonymous with: faith, religion, religious belief(s), religious persuasion, religious conviction, religious group, faith community, church, persuasion, affiliation, denomination, sect, following, communion order, school, fraternity, brotherhood, and sisterhood.

Religion Quote 2One of the most egregious issues in our world today is the plasticization of words to exclude all definitions, but the “common” definition, usually known as the first definition found in a dictionary.  Common definitions do not provide the complete etiology of a word; thus, closing minds to the language’s glory.  As a noun, theology defines as “religious beliefs and theory when systematically developed.”  Hence, when taken together, religion being beliefs that are of supreme importance, when systematically considered and developed, can be attached to any belief one chooses to raise to the level of devotion.  Even non-belief is regarded as a religion and theology.  People have chosen belief structures that include thousands of different topics, including, but not limited to, people, animals, and methods of living.  I have met footballers, American and European, whose devotion to their sport is a religion!  I know one religion that worships making beer; thus, belief and non-belief in god, God, or gods is not so farfetched.

We could speak about lines of congruence, paradox, and assimilation brought about by religious organizations, including the fellowship reward obtained by adherence to a specific religious flavor.  We could speak about how everything that exists in theism is directly observable in atheism.  Atheism and those claiming to be atheists are a religious organization in every meaning and aspect of Webster’s definition. Substitute god, God, or gods, with whatever is the most substantial item clung to, e.g., science, math, football, consumerism, abortion, climate change, etc., and you have a type of religiousness recognizable by every theist in existence.

Non Sequitur - Carpe DiemAtheists and Theists have a belief structure centered around god, God, or gods. I have met many beautiful people who were raised in homes with a belief structure that was absent a centrally recognized god, God, or gods, whom theists would term “non-believers,” atheists would term “atheists,” and both terms would not apply.  To first be a theist or atheist, one must have been taught about a god, God, or gods.  The people I discuss have a belief structure and system made from their fathers/mothers, tribes, and society’s traditions.  Thus, they are not unbelievers or non-believers, as they have a belief structure and system.  They are not atheists as they have not been taught god, God, or gods; thus, the only term I know to use is “person.”  We choose the labels we call ourselves.

If atheism is not a religion, why do atheists cling to the “Freedom of Religion” clause in the US Constitution? Why do atheists cling to the Freedom of religion clauses in all countries allowing Freedom of religion and then try to warp the laws of those countries into Freedom from religion?  It seems atheists cannot claim “Freedom of religion” and not be a religion.

moral-valuesInherent to understanding Freedom of religion, by necessity, requires understanding “Freedom from religion.”  However, a specific set of beliefs that a person is enthusiastic about forms a religious belief; thus, the phrase “Freedom from religion” itself is a misnomer and fallacy.  The separation of church and state is meant to protect your right to believe and not believe in a supreme being, defending your beliefs from government oppression.  Then no religion can claim authority over others, and all are equal and free to exist without fear. Atheists are covered by the Freedom of religion, as are theists.  The Freedom of Religion clause in the US Constitution implies a people can rid themselves of all religion as a personal choice and ritual, without cause to fear reprisals from any government body.

Atheists cannot have it both ways, claiming Freedom of religion, then demanding Freedom from religion, all at the expense of other religions! Hence, returning to the original point, atheism is a religion.  Atheism is an organized belief structure centered around the refusal, after being taught, of god, God, and gods.  Atheism is a belief system where the refusal to believe in god, God, or gods, then cultivates an entire process of a belief that leads to action, enthusiasm for those stated beliefs, e.g., or non-beliefs, as a tool for governing behavior.

Freedom's LightDogma, “a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.”  This definition is straight from Webster and a congruent description found in the Cambridge dictionary.  By experience, every atheist I have ever crossed paths with, takes upon themselves the authority to lay down the principle of no supreme being, as incontrovertibly true, plus belligerently insists that all others must bow to this belief structure.  I am not saying this makes the atheist right or wrong; I am saying that atheism has a dogma, and is very much a religion, and a religious belief, based solely upon not believing in a supreme being.

In conclusion, I consider the following three points as central to a peaceful society under the US Constitution and inclusive of all state’s laws where religion, and religious free exercise, is concerned:quote-mans-inhumanity-2

      1. The world is not split between theists and atheists. Not believing in a supreme power can be caused by a lack of education and experience. To be an atheist, a choice is required after schooling is provided for Freedom of religion.
      2. Not sharing another person’s theology doesn’t make either person right or wrong. I do not have to share in the rituals of other believers to have a shared identity. Simple respect for those closely held beliefs is all that is needed.
      3. Provided the moral values of a religious belief do not interfere with my rights under the US Constitution, let them worship “… how, where, or what they may.”

© 2019 M. Dave Salisbury
All Rights Reserved
The images used herein were obtained in the public domain; this author holds no copyright to the images displayed.

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Dual service military veteran. Possess an MBA in Global Management and a Masters degree in Adult Education and Training. Pursuing a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Business professional with depth of experience in logistics, supply chain management, and call centers.

8 thoughts on “Atheism – A Religion: Understanding Brings Knowledge”

  1. it always makes me laugh at the need for theists to claim that atheists have a religion, as if you can’t bear to think that someone might not be like you, so desperate for external validation.

    “Atheists cannot have it both ways, claiming Freedom of religion, then demanding Freedom from religion, all at the expense of other religions! Hence, returning to the original point, atheism is a religion. Atheism is an organized belief structure centered around the refusal, after being taught, of god, God, and gods. Atheism is a belief system where the refusal to believe in god, God, or gods, then cultivates an entire process of a belief that leads to action, enthusiasm for those stated beliefs, e.g., or non-beliefs, as a tool for governing behavior.”

    This is complete nonsense. Atheists do not share worldviews and the lack of a belief in god is not a worldview.

    I can of course demand that religions have no hold over me and that their baseless beliefs are not made into laws. I suspect you would demand the same if you were forced to follow the religious nonsense of another religion.

    You are correct that humans have to be taught that there is a god. This destroys the false claim of many theists that their god’s “morals/laws” are somehow “written” on everyone’s heart/mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can respect what you claim, but your claims are not based upon research or anything greater than personal opinion and emotional hyperbole. Thank you for your insights.


      1. M, your religion is nothing more than personal opinion and emotional hyperbole.

        Do show where I used “emotional hyperbole” in my post. And as an atheist, I certainly know more than you do about atheists.


  2. I make no judgments, I cast no aspersions, my religious beliefs are my affair, and I could be an atheist for all you know.
    If you must be shown your emotional hyperbole, I will provide an example. “it always makes me laugh at the need for theists to claim that atheists have a religion as if you can’t bear to think that someone might not be like you, so desperate for external validation.”
    Atheists have one common denominator in their belief structure, a refusal, a conscious denial of any supreme being. After that singular point, atheists are as complicated as theists in beliefs, opinions, and actions deriving from their personal beliefs, which are also understood to be ideology. Since atheists now have worship/non-worship centers, atheism continues to imitate theists, and as we all know, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Feel free to investigate these claims, they are all true.
    Thank you for your comments!


  3. I have to leave a reply. You have literally no clue about atheism at all. I believe our spirit or soul goes into the earth. So Egyptian gods were present and they could see them in person. Along with a lot of other gods. I respect all religions but don’t accuse just prove your point. Life was created before “god”. Jesus was a real man that’s a fact but why would he choose heaven and hell for us, lol. It’s about keeping people positive and structured. We are made of 97 percent chemicals, fact. Our soul will be carried away in the earth. The Bible is a fairy tale and people believe it. If my uneducated self needs to or if you want to know more about my atheist beliefs, feel free to email. Everyone has a right to religion and like I said I respect it. But you don’t understand how some atheists really are. And just letting you know. I don’t speak my religion and I don’t think I’m better than anyone. Ask for a Lexus tomorrow. God will grant all your wishes.


    1. Unfortunately, it appears I was not clear enough for you. Atheists only share one belief, they refuse to believe in god, God, or gods. After this, every atheist is distinct and different. Some atheist’s chase science, some medicine, some truth, but all share one common denominator, they make a conscious choice to refuse to believe in god, God, or gods after having been taught a form of theistic belief.
      I make no accusations regarding what an atheist will choose to embrace as belief after the refusal of belief in god, God, or gods. I have seen atheist belief spanning the entire efforts of human knowledge, and would never dictate religion to anyone. But, do not assume to tell me what I know and do not know about atheists.
      Since atheists have begun holding services, singing songs, and meeting weekly, it is only logical to draw the conclusion that some atheists are mimicking or imitating theists. However, atheists remain only connected by their conscious refusal to believe in god, God, or gods, even if they meet other atheists for services. Feel free to use your time to disprove me, using open sources, as that is where I have found atheists gathering for services.
      You may choose to believe it or not, as I do not care, but I guarantee I know atheism quite well. I know theism quite well in its many flavors and methods of worship. I am not an expert, but you are in no position to judge my knowledge, as I am in no position to judge your knowledge. Respect is a two-directional street!


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